Should You Go To The ER Or Urgent Care?

If you're in need of medical attention, you may be wondering if it's appropriate to go to the doctor, an urgent care clinic, or the ER. All situations are different, but the good news is that there is help available. If you're unable to be seen by your normal doctor quickly, the ER or an urgent care clinic may be the way to go. Keep reading to better understand which place is the best option for your situation and needs:

Urgent Care

An urgent care clinic is a walk-in medical clinic. They don't require appointments, and you can usually be seen within a few moments. These kinds of facilities are located all over the county and they also have hours that are very convenient. They take insurance, and they also work with individuals who don't currently have insurance. 

What kind of issues can be handled at an urgent care clinic? If you have any of the following issues, you'll likely want to head to an urgent care clinic for care: fractures, back pain, blood work, stomach issues, vaccinations, fever, earaches, stitches, allergies, sinus infections, flu, cold, rashes, and asthma problems.

An urgent care clinic is a good place to go if you're not in a serious emergency situation. You'll get care quickly, and they can help with so many medical needs.

Emergency Room

An emergency room, on the other hand, is a medical facility that is ready to help in emergency situations. If you need help right away, it's a true emergency, and you can't wait, chances are you'll want to head to your local ER. The ER accepts health insurance, and they will also work with patients who don't have medical coverage, though you may not know the full cost of care right upfront.

What kind of issues can be handled in an emergency room? If you have any of the following issues, you'll likely want to head to an emergency room for care: chest pain, severe difficulty breathing, stroke, head trauma, severe bleeding, loss of vision, and serious accidents (like an auto accident). 

If it's an emergency, don't wait to get care. Make sure that you head straight to the ER.

This guide should help you better decide which medical facility to go to the next time that you need medical care. If you're dealing with a non-emergency, there are many walk-in medical clinics and urgent care centers that are ready to help you! 

About Me

Understanding Emergency Care

When you are faced with a serious epidemic, it can be hard to know exactly how to move forward with your life. From knowing how to manage every aspect of your personal wellness to knowing how to navigate a hospital stay, it can be tricky to understand emergency care. Fortunately, with the help of a professional, you can quickly and easily determine how things should proceed. On this little website, you will be able to search out great tips and tricks on emergency care, along with how to make things right when you don't feel well. Check out these tips to find out more about how to proceed.



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